15-18 Apr 2024 Champs-sur-Marne (France)


The goal of the present conference is to address the treatment of the anharmonicity and conduct a deep and critical discussion which would open new avenues to go beyond the simple harmonic approximation. Applications include, for instance, accurate description of highly excited states of small molecules, weakly bound aggregated systems, dynamics of molecules adsorbed on nano structures, molecules at cold and ultracold temperatures, molecules in remote space, and long-range particle transfers. The event will allow for addressing and, possibly, solving new and still unresolved challenging problems in molecular sciences.

See the previous editions:



Download the book of abstracts.

Registration Information

The registration fees are 370 Euros (including taxes).
It covers the participation to the conference, lunches, coffee breaks and the conference dinner.

Beware: some agencies may send you an email offering hotel bookings. They have no connection with the conference organisers. 

The registration is open till 15th of March 2024.

Before the payment, you have to be registered. Once done, follow the link:


Please note:

  • You have to give your details again
  • Payment can be done by credit card and French institutions affiliates, it can also be done by "Bon de Commande".

Conference location/meals/dinner

  • The conference will take place at the building Bienvenüe (bâtiment Bienvenüe) of the Gustave Eiffel University. To reach the conference, you can take the RER A and stop at "Noisy Champ".

See the map or follow link.


The path from the RER A till the entrance is as indicated in the following map:



  • Lunches (12h30-13h30) will take place at the Ibis Hotel Champs. Cite Descartes, 8 Bd Newton, 77420 Champs-sur-Marne.


  • The conference diner will take place in Paris downtown:

24th floor of Tour Zamansky

Sorbonne University, campus Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (Jussieu).

4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris

Métro ligne 7 or 10. Station Jussieu

Meeting at 7PM, near the fountain, place Jussieu.


Poster AMOC 2024

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